They make a deal when they come to town
The Sunday swap meet is a battle ground
-Nirvana "Swap Meet"
The Swap Meet
Most of the combat zone districts have a swap meet. These ad hoc markets are set up for small time merchants to peddle goods ranging from meals of street fried “food” to high end electronics and other wares of dubious origin. Vendors at a swap meet pay a percentage of their take to whatever local gang provides protection at the meet. Ostensibly the local toughs prevent theft or outright raids but they are often pursuing their own larcenous schemes.
The Combat Zone 5 swap meet is known as the Cotillion and is run by a combat-wheelchair bound gentleman named Jubal Sevier, he is suspected to be the leader of the Chrome-Cowboys gang. The Cowboys run the protection racket at the Cotillion, and also host formal dances at the swap meet every Saturday night.
Almost anything can be purchased at the Cotillion, but it requires both luck and skill to actually find what you are looking for.
When attempting to buy something at the swap meet roll 2d6 plus INT or CHA bonus.
2-3 – you don’t find what you are looking for and you end up spending 1d6x10 bits on crap you don’t need
4-6 – you don’t find it
7-9 – you find it but it’s in bad shape (-1 to modifiers for arms/armor) or it’s overpriced (x1.5 to cost)
10-11 – You find what you are looking for
12+ – You find what you are looking for and get a deal on it, subtract a percentage equal to PROF from the price
Swap Meet Encounter Table
1 - Local gang toughs looking to prove themselves
2 – Pickpockets
3 - Prostitute
4 – Thief trying to sell merchandise stolen from the Swap Meet
5 – Small time drug dealer
6- Wandering food vendor
7- Skeezy chick handing out coupons for a vendor
8- Unhinged psycho will either attack or offer to sell the cyber limb he just “found”
9- Corporate scouts looking for new designs or talent
10 - A mix up results in meet security attacking you
11 - A shady merchant offers to sell you something unbelievable if you will just follow them down this alley to an abandoned warehouse
12 – 1d6x10 bits worth of unattended merchandise
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