Tuesday, January 26, 2016

No time to grab the gun they already got your wife and children

"I'm a ninja I'm a hoodie ninja
You're off guard ninja star now you're injured
Tough luck nun chuck break your fingers
Gotta bolt cause I don't wanna linger"
- MC Chris Hoodie Ninja


I decided we needed a Ninja class in my cyberpunk game Hackers & Handguns. The Pacific Rim including California is controlled by the Imperial Japanese so Ninja are plausible. Also, it's cyberpunk and Japanese fetishization is expected. And really, do I really need an excuse for Ninjas?

No, I don’t.



Level 1 – Ninjitsu, Ninja may use either STR or DEX for melee modifier. +1 to hit, damage, AC and HP. Unarmed strikes as per Kung Fu (1d6 exploding damage)., 50% chance to move unseen, scale shear surfaces, avoid fall damage, and create disguises. These skills increase 5% per level but cannot be used if wearing anything heavier than light armor.

Level 3 – Assassin, +1 to hit, damage, AC and HP. Strikes while hidden do x2 damage and automatically cause wounds.

Level 6 – Master of the Hidden Door, may make a melee attack from short range. May defy gravity for 1 round.  

Level 9 – Ninja Magic, you have mastered Kuji-In, use is instantaneous but cost 1d6 exploding damage
·        Rin – Strength – Advantage to next attack
·        Pyōh – Channel – Advantage to next skill/ability check
·        Tōh – Harmony - automatically win next initiative
·        Sha – Healing –heal a wound
·        Kai - Sense of Danger – aware of all enemies up to extreme range
·        Jin - Reading of thoughts – ESP for one round
·        Retsu - Control of space and time – reroll a failed saving throw
·        Zai - Control of sky and elements – make an elemental attack at any range for 1d6 damage. Does not miss.
·        Zen – Enlightenment – Invisibility


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