Continuing post about character classes from my in progress WW1 game, Lead & Steel.
Bomber / Grenadier
The British SMLE rifle has an effective range of a mile; the French Soixante-Quinze artillery can fire a 12lb High Explosive shell over five miles. The thing is, when Ftitzs is snug in a trench you can fire as much lead as you want from a mile away, and when you poke in to survey the scene guess what? They will still be waiting. It’s a funny thing this war, we can theoretically kill more efficiently from further away than ever before, but theories don’t seem to get the job done.
You do.
You are a Grenadier, part of a tradition that predates even the days of the mustachioed bomb lobbers of the Sun King. You are trained to clear a path in the blind corners of the enemy trench with your F1 Grenades or Mills Bombs, and then close the distance and finish the Hun the old fashioned way, with cold steel.
Attribute: Strength. A Bomber must have strength of 13+.
Rank: The Grenadier starts the game as a Private / Soldat 2.eme, under the command of an NCO and Officer.
Equipment: Infantry Uniform with bomber/grenadier badge, Satchel of Grenades (6), trench knife or club.
Raider – You are trained and skilled at infiltrating enemy trenches. You get an advantage when sneaking on the battlefield. If you make a melee attack against a foe while hidden multiply damage by your level.
Bomber – You are skilled at throwing grenades. +1 to Hit with thrown weapons and you can throw grenades at short range without disadvantage. In addition, you do not fumble grenades.
Sister Steel – You are skilled at melee combat. +1 to hit with melee weapons. In a single melee round you may attack a number of 1st level foes equal to your level.
A Night in Paris – At fourth level, in recognition of your service you receive one leave pass.
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