Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Roton

In the centuries long war against the trans-dimensional cephalopods known as the Prawn, the Yeti turned their considerable scientific knowledge from sustainable resource generation and life extension towards weapons and war. The roton is an example of Yeti technical prowess, and warfighting technique. Operating via elementary excitation of superfluid helium-4 extracted directly from the pilot, the roton is capable of vertical takeoff, hovering and rapid flight including sub orbital and space flight. Originally designed to carry two traversable tellurium beam lasers and a squad of Yeti Marines, the design was modified when direct marine assault against the prawn was found to be ineffective. The Mark II roton was fitted with mono filament laser blades on the edges of the external eigenvector rotor. The Mark II was piloted directly into the carapace of the prawn in an effort to literally rip them to shreds. Many thousands of roton were manufactured, with several pilots distinguishing themselves in the platform.

Roton Mark I and II Specifications
General Characteristics
Crew: 1, + 6 passengers
Height: 8 feet
Diameter: 20 feet
Weight: 10,000 lbs
Power plant: super fluidized helium-4 extracted from pilot Eigen vectored to external rotor.
Lift coefficient: 0.0013
Drag Area: 1.2 sqft
Maximum Speed: 400 mph
Cruise Speed: 333 mph
Stall Speed: nil (capable of hovering in place)
Range: up to the desiccation of the pilot
Ceiling: none, though the roton is not equipped for reentry into the atmosphere.
Rate of Climb: 5000 ft/min
Mark I: Two traversable tellurium beam lasers
Mark II: Laser powered mono filament blades fitted to the external rotor.
The lasers were removed in the factory, though many pilots refitted them in the field.

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