Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Ravenloft Play Report Part 3.

The remnant of the once proud dell’Aquila Rossa mercenary band  find themselves trapped in the desolate snow covered land of Barovia. Having been lured into the inescapable fog by an ancient vampire Count Strahd von Zarovitch. Finding allies in the children of the late burgomaster Ismark and Irrena Kolyana his adopted daughter. It becomes apparent that for an unknown reason Ireena is the object of the Count’s desires. She now has no sanctuary from the dread vampire as the night the burgomaster died a shadow demon took from the families home the Relic of St. Ravenloft. An object of great holy power and the only thing keeping her safe from the Count.


The party is determined to discover a means of escaping Barovia without foolishly confronting the Lord Vampire and heads west along the Svalich road to seek answers in the Gypsy camp.
The Hadjuk’s in the companies employ prove unwilling to face the horrors of the land. In superstitious dread they refuse to move from the Blood of the Vine Tavern. The party leaves them and sets off with their faithful Moorish guard. Nicolo, the elder Venetian Warlock is stricken by the gout, and stays behind in the church to ruminate with Father Donavitch.

We used the beautiful hex map by David Sutherland III and moved a token across the board, I ruled they could move 6 hexes a turn and rolled for random encounters. This is a style of play that the group hasn't done much of but is a staple of classic D&D. I want to encourage more of this tactical “Wargame” style of old school exploration and play. Plus we have this great map let’s take advantage of it!


The party is hounded by worgs as they trudge through the snow towards the gypsy camp. When they reach a point between a cliff face and the forest edge the worgs ambush them. The party makes quick work of the beast, and wisely elects not to pursue the remaining creatures into the woods.
Nearing the pool at the base of the Tser falls, the party comes to the Gypsy camp. The Gypsies dance around a roasting boar as accordion music fills the air. A charming dark eyed Gypsy girl named Dika invites the party to partake in wine and pork, and they do so with some trepidation. Finally joining the gypsies in the revels, Ulrich wins at dice, Zweck sells his pistol for 100 doubloons, and the Zoroastrian catches a little girl picking his pocket but lets her go. The Frenchman uses his boots of levitation to perform amazing feats of dance around the fire, impressing Dika enough for her to invite him back to her caravan.


While the Frenchman pursues the pleasures of Gypsy flesh, the Cleric is invited to Madam Eva’s tent to have his fortune read. The old gypsy oracle lays the cards before the Zoroastrian foreseeing the obstacles and objectives that lie within Castle Ravenloft.


That night, Dika comes to the Frenchmen crawling on hands and knees through the red silks inside the caravan. Opening his arms in anticipation the Frenchmen is horrified to see her face transform into that of an ancient vampire, his foe, Count Strahd. The Count charms the Frenchmen, and learning from his last attempt, instructs his victim to forget this encounter and await further commands. This is a small mercy for the charmed Monsieur Viete who forgets his horror and spends a blissful night in the arms of Dika the gypsy.
In the morning the party leaves the camp to return to the village. Dika gifts a scroll of etherealness to Mellin. Nearing the bridge over the Svalich River they see a mass of disfigured humanoid shapes awaiting them. Through the fog a group of 15 hideous zombie creatures attack. Dastur the Cleric finds he cannot turn the creatures, and Anthaar Zweck again attempts to bravely put himself between the party and their foes. There are too many of the creatures for the Champion to cut them all off, and he is surrounded by six, the rest moving on towards the party.  The fight becomes a slog in two different areas with the party including the Moors south of the river, and Zweck versus 6 enemies on the bridge itself.
The zombie creatures, when taking 5 or more points of damage lose limbs that then act autonomously. This leads to me making 15-20 attack rolls per round. Zwecks player had an impressive amount of hubris during the fight, believing his high AC and large amount of HP would make him nigh invincible. It was only a matter of time before he suffered a critical hit, which was then confirmed by rolling another 20. (about a 1/400 chance) Consulting the Anduin critical hit chart resulted in the poor Fighting Man having his Achilles heel severed with a loud pop.  He fell and no longer having the protection of his high AC was immediately mobbed by the remaining creatures. Zweck nearly succumbed to the assault only to be saved by the rest of the party at the last moment.


This fight took its toll, and the party limped into the village to rest at the burgomaster estate. They assisted Ismark in burying his father’s rotting corpse and consecrating the grave. And decided to wait the night at the estate rather than journey cursed Barovia in the darkness. Before retiring they visit the Church and speak to Father Donavitch about Madam Eva’s fortune. The old priest confirms that there is a chapel and throne in the Castle, but warns them against a direct assault against the Count.

Late that night Ireena is as usual, pacing the halls of the estate awaiting the inevitable assault, the party minus Ulrich the Thief assisting her watch. Sounds come from the attic and Ireena shrinks in fear. The party bravely ascends the stairs only to come face to face with a ghost. Succeeding in their saving throw versus fear the stalwart band confronts the apparition. Zweck falls victim to a magic jar spell and his soul is wrenched from his mortal frame into an old porcelain doll. He watches from the dolls glass eyes as the ghost possesses his body. The Cleric Dastur then successfully cast dispel magic on Zwecks body forcing the ghost out and restoring Anthaar's poor soul to its rightful seat. Meanwhile the Frenchman on the attic steps hesitates questioning if he can take any effective action.


Zweck never one to question an aaction and now whole, attacks the ghost with his torch to no effect. The Cleric cast protection from evil 10 foot radius, a choice that subsequently saves the party. The Ghost reaches out to touch Dastur and I succeed in my attack roll but forget to add the -1 to hit for the protection spell, so I roll again and miss. This happens twice. The protection spell prevented the party from aging 20 to 80 years! At this point Ulrich awakes and charges up the stairs, only to fail his save versus fear, he immediately ages 10 years and runs away in fear for the remainder of the encounter. Zweck changing tactics strikes with his magic dagger, while Dastur swings his holy bull mace, this time they deal damage and the ghost flees from melee allowing them to strike successfully again. Now, the Frenchmen uses Dika’s scroll to become ethereal, and while in the ethereal plane sees the Ghost for what it is, a tortured Hun chieftain, with no pity Mellin throws a fireball and since he is now in the same plane as the apparition the magic flame strikes true. Back in the real world, Dastur and Zweck finish the now damaged ghost with their magic weapons.

With about an hour left of his etherealness, Mellin uses the opportunity to fly to the Castle and scout. He can see more ghost, wights, and other foul undead that exist in the ethereal plane prowling the various levels of the castle including a massive red heart at the top of a tower. He also notices radiant golden light emanating from a neglected altar. Risking the chance of becoming corporeal and trapped alone within the Castle, he swoops through the walls and collects the holy objects. He then flies as fast as possible towards the village the magic wearing off with the Frenchman about a thousand feet above the ground. Fortunately he has boots of levitation and can cast Fly, so he returns to the party safely with the Reliquary of St. Ravenloft and the medallion of Our Lady of Ravenloft.

leg bone of st ravenloft.PNG

With fresh information, powerful artifacts, and a new sense of confidence the Party prepares to assault the Castle itself.

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