Tuesday, January 13, 2015

RPG Statement of Intent

Statement of Intent.

RPG are games. They are supposed to be fun. 

I do not think a game is fun if there is no risk. If failure doesn't carry penalties, then achievement is shallow. 

I believe that the random number generation in RPGs ties the experience into a deep universal thing. I let the dice fall where they may and do not fudge numbers.  

I believe that an RPG system should be as simple as possible while still having the fidelity to convince its players that in-game and "metagame" choices follow a predictable logic.

I also believe that the more one details and defines mechanics in an RPG system, the more time is spent trying to use mechanics to play, rather than using the imagination.

To put it another way, I don’t want my characters looking at record sheets or rule books to figure out what to do in game. Rather they should be mentally inhabiting the imaginary space and acting in accordance with the shared fiction (their character concept/my setting).

I like to play Dungeons and Dragons. Other systems may more closely adhere to my role playing principals, (such as Dungeon World) but D&D is my first love and in its original incarnation it was almost perfect.

For me, as a DM playing with rule systems and experimenting is as much fun as creating fiction

I will break D&D and rebuild it to suit my game, but I will not do this alone. I ask my players to trust me, and in return I trust them to evaluate and critique what I do.

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