Wednesday, October 28, 2015


"N.C.O. Non-commissioned officer. A person hated more than the Germans. Tommy says his stripes are issued out with the rations, and he ought to know."
-Tommy's Dictionary of the Trenches AG Empey -1917



You are the very sinew of the army, holding what would otherwise be a mutinous band of brigands together. The brass might “strategize” back at HQ with their maps and tea pots but it’s you yelling at the lads to advance when the Boche shells are ripping them to shreds. It’s you who are the rock that remains steady when your officer has lost his mind. You might be a pre-war veteran or by some freak accident the army might have promoted you from the ranks on actual merit.  Whatever the case, you have more in common with the enlisted rabble than the nabobs in command. Not that you won’t follow whatever insane orders they might give you.

Attribute: Wisdom. The NCO must have a wisdom score of 13+ unless they come to the class via promotion.  
Rank: The NCO starts the game as a Corporal / Caporal under the command of an Officer. It is your job to make sure the Officers orders are followed. You take command of the unit if your officer is killed. You also roll to determine loot if your unit takes an enemy position.
Equipment: NCO uniform, either: rifle, light weapon, or side arm.

Duty before Dishonor – You can sacrifice 2HP to not be suppressed.

Rally – If the NCO’s unit is suppressed, they may attempt to Rally them. Roll a wisdom check versus a DC of 20 minus the unit’s morale. If successful the unit is no longer suppressed.

Mortars – The NCO can call in the Companies mortars once per mission. Make an attack roll modified by wisdom bonus to hit a target. Everyone in the same range band as the target must make a dexterity save or take 2d6 points of damage. (3d6 for 1917-1918)

Bully – The best NCO’s are feared like a stern father. You can use this to your advantage. During the Front Phase you can Bully the quivering rear echelon clerks for supplies. Roll on the following table
1 – They call your bluff, you get nothing
2-5 choose one of: Ammo, Food, Kit or Weapons
6 –Booze

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